Wixie and the Real World of Math: Pizza Fractions

Posted by Scott Loomis on Apr 5, 2021 5:15:00 AM

Second and third graders begin to demonstrate their knowledge of fractions by recognizing that fractions represent equal-sized parts of a whole. They do this with both numerical representations as well as models. Identifying and representing fractions is the first step toward comparing, identifying equivalent fractions, fractional computation and working with mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Editor's Note: This blog is part of a series of posts from former math specialist Scott Loomis on the real world math templates he has created for Wixie and how you can use and modify them for your own awesome performance tasks. You can read the backstory on his experience and expertise below. 

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Topics: Wixie, math, real world of math

Wixie and the Real World of Math: Orbits and Leap Years

Posted by Scott Loomis on Feb 25, 2021 5:45:00 AM

Completing computations is a straightforward process for intermediate-ages students and can be made more meaningful by connecting to an authentic, real life scenario.

In Wixie's Orbits and Leap Years template, students are required to reflect on Earth's orbit and the need for a Leap Year, as well as calculate age based on the orbits of different planets. The template also leaves plenty of options to expand the task to better challenge students based on their computation skills.

Editor's Note: This blog is part of a series of posts from former math specialist Scott Loomis on the real world math templates he has created for Wixie and how you can use and modify them for your own awesome performance tasks. You can read the backstory on his experience and expertise below. 

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Topics: Wixie, math, real world of math

Wixie and the Real World of Math: Sweet Sale

Posted by Scott Loomis on Nov 2, 2020 9:30:33 AM

Third graders are targeted to fluently multiply and divide within 100 by the end of the school year. Although this could be accomplished using flashcard-style activities, students need, and want, to apply this skill meaningfully. This template is designed as a simple application of their computational skills with an added component for students to explain their problem solving strategies.

Editor's Note: This blog is part of a series of posts from former math specialist Scott Loomis on the real world math templates he has created for Wixie and how you can use and modify them for your own awesome performance tasks. You can read the backstory on his experience and expertise below. 

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Topics: Wixie, math, real world of math

Wixie and the Real World of Math: School Fundraiser

Posted by Scott Loomis on Sep 9, 2020 7:07:12 AM

Although students have been working with fractions well before sixth grade, multiplying and dividing fractions with other fractions involves more than simple computation and procedures. 

An essential skill for success is the ability to rationalize if results "make sense" -- a necessary application of estimation skills. For example, when multiplying and dividing any number by a fraction, is the resulting solution less than the original multiplicand or dividend, or more? For many students, understanding that their answer is reasonable leads to a clearer understanding of the 'real world' application of these calculations.

Editor's Note: This blog is part of a series of posts from former math specialist Scott Loomis on the real world math templates he has created for Wixie and how you can use and modify them for your own awesome performance tasks. You can read the backstory on his experience and expertise below. 

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Topics: Wixie, math, real world of math

Wixie and the Real World of Math: Symmetrical Designs

Posted by Scott Loomis on Jun 16, 2020 4:41:42 AM

Although the concept of symmetry is introduced as early as first grade, it isn't until fourth grade that assessment indicators involving symmetry are listed in most standards. At this point, students build, draw and analyze the various properties of two-dimensional shapes. Within geometry, this includes the study of lines, angles, classifying shapes, and recognizing and identifying lines of symmetry. The Designing a Flying Disc template provides the ideal assessment for the symmetry standards.

Editor's Note: This blog is part of a series of posts from former math specialist Scott Loomis on the real-world math templates he has created for Wixie and how you can use and modify them for your own awesome performance tasks. You can read the backstory on his experience and expertise below. 

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Topics: Wixie, math, real world of math

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