Professional Development

Professional Learning

Professional Learning

Professional Development

Professional Learning

Professional Development

Professional Learning

Professional Development

Transform teaching with project-based learning

Project-based learning engages students in deep thinking while connecting their learning in the classroom to the world around them. Tech4Learning can help you bring a project-based learning approach to the classrooms of your school or district.

Over the past 20 years, Tech4Learning has developed a unique professional development model that helps teachers get started transforming their classrooms to project-based learning environments. During our PBL ProjectLearn Academies, educators experience firsthand the process of planning, working in a collaborative group with peers, and learning in a project-based setting. Participants return ready to begin implementing changes into their everyday instruction and helping students build essential content and 21st century skills.

Our project-based learning professional development offerings range from a one-day overview, to week-long in-depth workshops, to year-long consulting and mentoring experiences. Every ProjectLearn Academy is designed specifically to help you meet the goals of your professional development program and customized to support the learning needs of your teachers.

Professional Learning Options and Outcomes

Using the tenets of project-based learning during training, Tech4Learning helps introduce teachers to this powerful approach to student learning. Participants learn to engage students in content learning through student-centered performance tasks that promote depth of knowledge and high-level thinking.

As a result of this professional development, educators will be able to:

Remote Training

In these uncertain times, move forward with your PBL plans with our remote workshops. Delivered through a combination of synchronous online meetings and asynchronous exploration, extensions, and coaching, our PBL training builds capacity whenever and wherever your teachers are working.

The four PBL training events explore:


Each synchronous session consists of 60-90 minute-long online workshops (presentations, discussions, and small group work), delivered through a webinar/Zoom/Google hangout format. Educators take notes, reflect, as well as work both independently and collaboratively during this time.


60-90 minutes of individual and group work by participants after the session is complete. Workshop. facilitator provides email, video chat coaching, and online document review/editing.

Contact us for more information and pricing for remote training in PBL.

Online Tools



Rubric Maker




Get in Touch

Contact Us

6549 Mission Gorge Rd. #368
San Diego, CA 92120

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