Annual Subscriptions
Annual subscriptions to Wixie, Wriddle, and Rubric Maker are available directly from Tech4Learning. The price is based on the number of students.
Professional Development
In order to maximize the effectiveness of professional development services, all quotes for professional development are created after a consultation with a Tech4Learning representative.
NYC Professional Development Contract
LA Unified Professional Development Contract
New York City - SHOPDOE
Tech4Learning software is available for schools in New York City Public Schools to purchase through the SHOPDOE purchasing system.
SHOPDOE price list
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are accepted by fax, email, or mail.
Fax (USA): 619-283-8176
6160 Mission Gorge Rd
Suite 206
San Diego, CA 92120
W9 - Download our W9
For additional information, contact us at:
Phone (USA): 877-834-5453
Phone (Intl): 1-619-563-5348
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am-5:00pm PT