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Make interactive classroom projects, portfolios, and eBooks!

Share lets students combine text, graphics, movies, and animations to show mastery and understanding. Students will synthesize content and communicate ideas through interactive ebooks, presentations, brochures, web sites, and digital portfolios.

Using Share encourages critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills, building media literacy as students become actively engaged with the content.

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Share Screenshot

Share is a platform to construct and create

Using Share encourages critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills, as students actively engage with classroom content and build powerful media literacy skills.

Students use Share to synthesize content they are learning and communicate ideas through web sites, interactive presentations and brochures, and digital portfolios.

Tech4Learning | | 800-834-5453

Share helps student build multimedia communication skills

  • Export ePubs for iBooks or Google Books
  • Animate objects along a path
  • Create original illustrations
  • Add photos directly from Pics4Learning
  • Scale HTML for web presentations
  • Open and save files to Google Drive
  • Display web content in iFrames
  • Build templates with master pages

Share helps students develop collaboration skills

Share supports essential team-building and organization skills through real-time collaborative projects.

Import options make it easy to collect individual student work into small-group or whole-class projects.


Share lets students share their learning in many ways

Share makes it easy to distribute student work as ePubs, PDF files, and as HTML5 to showcase work to an audience outside the classroom.

Share export formats.

Tech4Learning | | 877-834-5453

Online Tools



Rubric Maker




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6549 Mission Gorge Rd. #368
San Diego, CA 92120

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Download a 30-day evaluation of Share

Complete the form to download a 30-day evaluation version of Share

The 30-day evaluation version is a fully-functioning version of the software. Your 30 days begin the first day you use the software.