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Wixie adds support for OneRoster user data CSVs

Posted by David Wagner on Aug 14, 2017 11:15:57 AM

It is data crunch time as Wixie using schools start syncing their teachers and students for the new school year and new Wixie schools start adding their users for the first time. The latest Wixie update gives schools and districts another option for how they provision users in our system. Wixie now supports adding users using CSV files that meet the OneRosterTM specification from the IMS Global Learning Consortium.

OneRoster is a free, open standard for defining a set of CSV files that can be used to move data between digital systems. The OneRoster format gives schools and districts another option for formatting the data that they expect from their SIS in order to provision teachers, students, and classes in Wixie. Organizations using OneRoster already will be able to begin provisioning their Wixie accounts without having to master another CSV specification.

Schools and districts that are already managing their Wixie accounts using our current CSV specification can continue to do so, there is no reason to switch if you don’t want to. New schools will be able to choose our Tech4Learning CSV format, OneRoster CSVs, or one of the other methods for managing user accounts such as Clever, Canvas, or Engrade.

Topics: User Accounts, CSV

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